APP Page "Blood sugar : Test + Advice for healthy blood sugar"
Category: Health and fitness
Device Type: Android phones ,version 4.1 minimum, API 19+
Date of Release: i decided not to release it back again.
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App Logo
it represents a blood molecule surrounded
by sugar molecules floating in the bloodstream |
Almost every family now have one or more members with some form of high blood sugar disease.
Science and medicine are working towards finding a cure , but right now, the best thing we can do is to prevent it and be aware of the causes of such disease.
To provide a useful health tool that allows the user to understand the signs and symptoms of a high glucose level in the blood, i decided to create this app.
First, a question comes to mind: why worry about elevated blood sugar ?,it's diabetes that i should be worried about, right ?
well, having a level of sugar in the blood that is above normal for a prolonged period of time is the main cause of diabetes in humans.
App content :
1- The quiz is composed of 14 questions, with the purpose of trying to verify the main and most important symptoms and lifestyle behaviors that can indicate a high sugar level in the bloodstream.
Each question provides answers to choose from, as well as pictures to help the user have a visual of the symptom that we are looking for.
these questions will give some insight on the info that you will find in the test :
- You have good sleep habits, and why it's important?
- Your body's storage system is working good?
- You are at a higher risk because of family genetics?
- Your body shows the main symptoms of high sugar levels?
- Your body shows the second degree symptoms of high sugar levels?
- Your food choices supports healthy blood sugar levels, or not ?
- Your are making your body spend enough energy per day?
- Your activity level is above average?
2 - Blood Sugar Levels : this part show a graph where different blood sugar limits are drawn,
And you will have three cases : Normal blood sugar , Pre Diabetic Or a Diabetic case to see and compare between the three.
depending on the unit of measurement that the user selects, here is an image of the graph :
If you research the word Diabetes, you will either find ‘diabetes mellitus’ or ‘diabetes insipidus’, the first one is the condition where blood sugar is high, and when you find the word "Diabetes" alone, it is most of the time the "mellitus" type that we are talking about.
The second one is used to describe a different condition ( it has to do with fluids of the body not regulated properly).
The second one is used to describe a different condition ( it has to do with fluids of the body not regulated properly).
Diabetes mellitus : group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin,or because cells do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced.
The resultant high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger.There are three main types :
Type 1 diabetes results from the pancreas's failure to produce enough insulin. this cause of this type is still not understood well enough by scientists and doctors.
You can find this type not just in obese body types, but also in thin and normal body sizes.
You can find this type not just in obese body types, but also in thin and normal body sizes.
Type 2 diabetes begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly.As the disease progresses, a lack of insulin may also develop.
This is the most common type that you find in diabetes patients, unlike Type 1, Type 2 is progressive in the way it develops in the body, and it is mostly found in obese body types.
This is the most common type that you find in diabetes patients, unlike Type 1, Type 2 is progressive in the way it develops in the body, and it is mostly found in obese body types.
Gestational diabetes is the third main form, and occurs when pregnant women without a previous history of diabetes develop high blood sugar levels.This type is fully treatable.
There are other forms of diabetes, and sometimes a person can have a combinations of forms, but the three above types are the main forms of this disease.
Glucose Regulation
blood sugar regulation is the process by which the levels of blood sugar,primarily glucose, are kept by the body within a narrow range.
The two main hormones that are involved in this regulation are insulin,which lowers blood sugar,and glucagon, which raises it. (insulin and glucagon are both produced by the pancreas).
Here is an example of normal blood sugar fluctuations of a person eating three meals a day :
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case 1: what happens when we eat a meal case 2: what happens when blood sugar drops |
This constant back and forth between these tow opposite hormones keeps the body in balance.
Interesting choice of name
Where does the name 'Diabetes mellitus' comes from ?
The word diabetes is originated from the Latin word 'diabētēs', which in turn comes from Ancient Greek ,which means "a passer through, or "to go ". This naming started to be used around 1500.
The word 'mellitus' comes from the classical Latin word mellītus, meaning "sweetened with honey" or " honey-sweet"; The Latin word comes from mell-, which comes from mel, meaning "honey"
the "honey" word was added to "diabetes" around 1675 when the doctors noticed that the urine of the patient had a sweet taste !
Final Words :
This app is free ,with minimum Ads included, so you don't get interrupted during the test.
I know how that feels.
If you want to provide feedback on the quality of the app, please leave a review on Play store , that will help me a lot.
Good apps
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