Body fat calculator + 4 week weight loss plan

App name: Body fat calculator + 4 week weight loss plan
Category:   Health and Fitness
Device compatibility : Android phones version 5.0 minimum (API 21 minimum)
Release Date : July 2019
Last update :   November 21 2020 (2.2)
Languages : English /French / Spanish / Russian / Arabic / Hebrew.


App presentation :

For anybody that is interested in the fasting approach (time restricted eating) to burn body fat, or just to try the fasting lifestyle for a short period, this app will be helpful to you.

This is a health and fitness app, it does two things :

- Calculates your body fat percentage
- Provide a plan to lose weight using fasting, and walking.

For the measurement part ,the app calculates the body fat percentage using the BMI(body mass index) ,W-HR (waist to hip ratio).
The body fat percentage  formula used in the app was the result of a study published in the international journal of Obesity and related Metabolic Disorders in 2002 ( it is still valid in 2019).

After getting the test result, the app will generate a custom weight loss plan for you, it takes into consideration the body fat % calculated and uses it as a metric of the progress made.

And depending on the weight that you are trying to lose ( the goal weight), a four week plan of how to eat, and the activity level necessary is available , plus a interactive graph that allows data entry and comparison of the progress made in respect to the app's plan.

Fasting For Fat Loss :

Fasting is the simplest, minimalist way of maintaining or losing body weight.
without going too much into the science and the hormonal changes, you are basically not giving your body food (source of energy) all throughout the day , so a switch in the system happens, and the body uses the reserves (fat in between organs + fat under your skin) to make enough energy.

Here is an visual representation of one day fast with a 18 to 6 split :

Caloric intake ; Explained with a realistic scenario:

calories is a way to quantify the energy absorbed or produced by the body, you probably hear before that you have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, what it means is that you have to be in one of these options:

option 1 :  keeping the food intake the same, and increasing the physical activity.
option 2 : maintaining the same physical activity, but taking in less calories.
option 3:  Doing both , eating less, and exercising more, this is needed when the body gets used to the new weight, and the deficit that you had before is no longer a deficit,it's a balance point. 

let's consider a person living a normal lifestyle, with a office job and a low activity level, w will call him "mark".
so Mark already tried losing weight, by removing all bad food and artificial sugars from his diet, he lost some weight, but his body adapted after some time. 
He is now at 90 kg (205 lbs), at 175 cm (5 feet 8"),and wants to keep the weight loss going.
the daily caloric intake of mark is around 2500 calories of clean food, here is an example of a day of eating with three meals a day :

example of a healthy diet of three meals a day

for Mark to force his body to continue losing weight, he has to increase his activity level, since he already cleaned his diet and cannot reduce the food quantity.
On top of the daily walking and movement that he is doing, he has to add the necessary amount of exercise depending on the weight loss goal that he is aiming for, by following the basic rule of energy:

four activities that are equivalent( not all together) to burning 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight

So a 5 kg weight loss (11 lbs) is equal to burning 5 x 7000 =35 000 calories, whether it's in a mouth or two to three mouths,it depends on if Mark will spread or condense the hours of training.
These are low impact activities, and usually exercises like running and jumping hurt aver long period of time because of the amount of force that the joints have to take if the person is heavy.

Conclusion :
losing weight varies from person to person, very active people will have to eat more than the example above just to maintain their weight, other people do not eat animals, so they end up eating more than they should have in other types of foods to compensate.
When you are on a clean diet, you are eating dense foods that makes you feel full, and it is easier to skip a meal when you have that feeling, so a six to eight hour eating window becomes completely manageable and does not require a lot of discipline .

Building muscle VS losing fat :

This is a curve to demonstrate how to juggle between building muscle, and losing fat, and the changes that needs to happen when transitioning from a beginner stage, to more advanced stages of training.
Example of body weight change over time

(1)  When the body  receive stimulus from training for the first time, when you are just starting, it has a positive effect on many things simultaneously.
So a beginner lifter will have an easier time hitting two objectives at the same time, thus increasing muscle mass while burning fat can be done without having to think too much of the program or the and diet to follow (as long as the fundamental rules are taken into consideration : progressive overload and a healthy balance of carbs, fats, proteins and fiber).

(2) After about five years or so,this linear, straight forward progression does not work anymore, so the objective now needs to be more specific, do i train to build some mass (hopefully muscle mass) ?, or do i go on a weight loss phase ?
Trying to increase body weight while being in a fasted state is like trying to go right and left at the same time. better forget about fasting and just eat well all throughout the day.

(3)  If you have a project coming up (lots of work), and you decide to focus more on it rather than spending time counting calories and training for hours, then being fasted is a good plan for this period.
You can do more work, and you don’t have to think of preparing each meal, you can just eat when you come back home.
Of course, weight training needs to stay, to  spare muscle mass when losing weight.

(4) The more your body experience muscle building and fat loss, the slower the progress becomes, in both directions.
There is a natural limit of how much muscle your body will allow, and there is also a mechanism of defense against starvation that gets activated when losing weight, and tries to keep the fat stores full.
This is why you see experience lifters start to adjust and plan their training in phases (like every 3 months), just to introduce a new stimulus to the body and make some progress.


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