APP Page "Blood sugar : Test + Advice for healthy blood sugar"

App name : Blood sugar Health quiz Category: Health and fitness Device Type : Android phones ,version 4.1 minimum, API 19+ Date of Release : i decided not to release it back again. App Logo it represents a blood molecule surrounded by sugar molecules floating in the bloodstream Introduction: Almost every family now have one or more members with some form of high blood sugar disease. Science and medicine are working towards finding a cure , but right now, the best thing we can do is to prevent it and be aware of the causes of such disease. To provide a useful health tool that allows the user to understand the signs and symptoms of a high glucose level in the blood, i decided to create this app. First, a question comes to mind: why worry about elevated blood sugar ? ,it's diabetes that i should be worried about , right ? well, having a level of sugar in the blood that is above norma...